ContactsSimple Contact FormGet In Touch! I agree that my submitted data is being collected and stored. Δ Cat Questionare The Owner Owner's Name Owner's Email Owner's Telephone Number Owner's WhatsApp Number Owner's Address Other Household Memebers and Ages None The Pets Cat's Name Cat's Age Cat's Breed (if known) Is Spayed/Neutered? YesNo Cat's Length of Time in Current Home List of Other Cats in the Home (please list names, breeds, ages and sex) None List of Other Animals in the Home (please list name, and animal type) None The Situation What can I help you with in regards to your cat? Where did you get your cat and at what age? If you adopted, do you have any background information about the cat? Is your cat allowed outdoors? If yes, are they free roam, supervised, leashed or contained? Any current medical problems for the cat? Any past medical problems for the cat? Any current medication for the cat? Any past urgent injuries that needed medical attention for the cat? What kind of food do you currently feed your cat? How many times a day do you feed your cat? Where is the food bowl located in your house? Describe how your cat acts towards new people coming into your home. How long does it take your cat to come out to see a new person? Are there people outside of immediate family members that the cat likes or will come out to see? Is there a certain type of stranger that your cat is uncomfortable with? Describe. How does your cat act around children? Does age of child matter? Describe what causes your cat to hiss, growl or swat? Has your cat ever bitten someone? How many people? If yes, please give details of incidents in the following way: Describe person or persons who were bitten and what they were doing when bitten. Start with the earliest incident, approximate date, to the most recent incident. List all bites including bites that did not do any damage. List where on body they were bitten and description of severity of bite wounds Did any of the bite victims seek medical treatment? Is there any area of your cat’s body that he acts sensitive about being touched by you or anyone else? Describe. Any major change within the household or household routines since acquiring cat? What type of litter box do you have? Covered or uncovered How many boxes? Location of boxes? Type of litter used? On a scale of 0 to 100% reliable in the home, what % would you rank your cat’s litter box use? If less than 99% how many accidents in the past week? Locations of accidents? What do you use to clean the accidents? Does your cat do any of the following pushy or attention seeking behaviors? Check all that apply: Meow at youSwipe at you (with claws)Paw you (without claws)StareLean on youClimb on youJump in your lapJump at youLick youMouth you(love bites)Push at you with noseSit on your feet How long will the attention seeking behavior last? Have you tried to curtail excessive meowing or attention seeking? What methods have you tried? Does your cat destroy things while you are home? How have you dealt with this? Describe how your cat acts with the other animals in your home. Describe how your cat acts when he sees or hears other animals while he is inside the house? How do you deal with your cats response to animals inside or outside? Any cat fights? If yes, please list in order from the oldest incident to the most recent by approximate date. Describe where the incident took place and who was involved. Describe how each situation was handled and list any bite injuries. Did any animal involved in a fight need veterinary treatment afterwards? Is your cat sensitive to sounds? Describe. How does your cat act at the veterinarian’s office? Has the vet ever needed to muzzle or sedate your cat? Please list any other behavioral problems that I have not already listed that you need to discuss and give as many details as possible: Describe how you or others play and interact with your cat. Check all that apply. Fetch and retrieve ball/other objectWand/dangle toysToss toys (balls, mice etc.)Windup/motorized toysFood/treat toysLaser pointerCatnipDress upChase cat aroundLet cat chase youTickle belly Teach cat tricksPlay fight with catPet headPat cat all over like a drumHug catKiss catLet cat kiss youPlays with other catsPlays with water Other methods of play How would you best describe your cat’s personality and temperament? Any videos or example images of behaviors for your cat? Please list URLs of unlisted youtube videos or shared image links from an album (example: share link from google photos) List 5 things you love about your cat. Δ